If you’re interested in knowing what breastfeeding can do for your child’s smile, then our skilled dental team is more than happy to give you the information you need! Breastfeeding in Fremont, California, can benefit your child’s oral health in many ways, whether you believe it or not. In fact, there are many things you may not know about breastfeeding and dental care, and those things are:
Breastfeeding can help build a better bite
Breastfeeding can help your child have a properly developed bite, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. In fact, based on a study performed, babies who are breastfed for at least six months are less likely to have crooked teeth, open bites, and crossbites compared to babies who are breastfed for less than six months or not at all.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk for baby bottle tooth decay
Because breastfeeding reduces the chances of the baby’s teeth being frequently exposed to sugary liquids, it reduces the chances of developing baby bottle tooth decay. This type of tooth decay often develops when the baby is regularly put to bed with a bottle. However, babies who are breastfed are still vulnerable to tooth decay. This is because breastmilk naturally contains sugar.
You don’t have to wean when your baby receives their teeth
Many people think it’s time to stop breastfeeding when their child’s teeth start to grow in, but that is simply not the case. You can breastfeed your child for the first year of life—even the first two if you would like. Call 510-248-4847 today if you’re interested in knowing more about breastfeeding and your child’s smile. Your dentist, Dr. Ron Hernandez, and our team are more than happy to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to your phone call!