Smile Protection is Important

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Smile protection is vital to your oral health. That is why, our staff here at Ron Hernandez, DDS in Fremont, California, is happy to talk to you about mouthguards during this summer, so you can avoid an oral accident or injury as you enjoy your day.

Mouthguards assist by protecting your teeth and gums from accidental injury. A mouthguard is an important part of your recreation or sports attire and should be worn for your oral health protection. High-impact sports often require one for your safety, however skateboarding, and other recreational activities still need a mouthguard too in case of injury.

There are several different kinds of mouthguards you can choose from. Your dentist, Dr. [doctor_ name] can custom-create a mouthguard specifically for your smile. These are designed for your unique smile and needs. Other choices can include boil and bite guards or stock mouthguards, which can be found at many sports stores.

If you are interested in keeping your teeth protected this season, then please talk to us today about a mouthguard. Our team of professionals is extremely dedicated to helping you stay in pristine oral health, and are happy to address any questions or concerns you have pertaining to your smile.