Inconsistent Oral Hygiene Habits Can Cause a Cavity to Develop on One of Your Teeth

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Failing to consistently brush your teeth each morning and night, or routinely forgetting to floss at least once each day can do more than leave you with bad breath and unhealthy gums. In time, it could also cause a cavity to develop on one of your teeth.

If your routine dental exam reveals an area of tooth decay, our dentists, Dr. Hernandez and Dr. Chisholm, will help you understand your treatment options. If the cavity is still small, they might be able to repair a small cavity with a standard dental filling.

Most people opt to have a small amount of Novocain injected into the local gum tissues to numb the area throughout the treatment process. Once you are comfortable, we will remove all traces of tooth decay. The material used for the dental filling will be based on the tooth’s location and its prevalence in your smile.

Dental fillings made from metallic amalgam use a special blend of dental metals. They are strong and durable, yet dark in appearance, which makes them a poor choice for repairing a cavity that appears in your smile.

Composite dental fillings are created from a special type of dental resin that mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel. This makes them a good choice for repairing a cavity on a tooth that will appear in your smile.

If you live in the Fremont, California, area and you suspect that you have a cavity on one of your teeth, you should call 510-248-4847 to have it examined and treated at Ron Hernandez, DDS’s dental office.