Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, show up on your mouth and crust over, letting you know they are on the way beforehand by tingling or burning before they pop up. These oral lesions are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2) and are highly contagious. Although these blisters disappear without treatment after 2-4 weeks, the HSV virus can live in the body for years.
Most people with the herpes simplex virus never manifest any symptoms, and they normally only show up when something triggers the outbreak. So what triggers an outbreak of these blisters?
- Emotional Stress
- Weakened immune system
- Viral infection or fever
- Exposure to sunlight and wind
- Hormonal changes (menstruation, etc.)
If you experience episodes of herpes cold sores, your dentist can help by:
- Diagnosing fever blister/cold sore herpes via a visual exam.
- Reviewing your medical history.
- Prescribing medications to reduce the outbreak.
A typical medication prescribed is an antiviral drug called acyclovir (Zovirax). Zovirax comes either as a cream or ointment, and is used on blisters to lessen the time you have the outbreak.
Your dentist might also recommend that you lower your stress levels because stress is one of the most common triggers. Some people use yoga stretches, meditation, laughter, nature walks, deep breathing, to alleviate stress. Your dentist may recommend boosting your immunity with extra Vitamin C or a multivitamin, and if you spend time in sunlight using UV protection with SPF15 (or more).
Cold sores and fever blisters are their most contagious when the blisters are oozing, and can be spread by sharing utensils, razors, and towels. If you touch your toothbrush to the edge of the toothpaste tube you can spread the virus to the next toothbrush. It is helpful to change your toothbrush after any outbreak. And finally, to avoid spreading the virus, take extra time when wash your hands, especially after putting ointment on the blisters with your hands.
Fever blisters and cold sores don’t have to make your life miserable. There are steps you can take to find relief, and if you have any questions or concerns, please give our team a call at 510-248-4847 today.